This repository contains various util classes for typescript. As they do not have external dependencies and are rather small I decided to cram them together into this package.
The CancelableAsyncFlow wraps a generator function and allows progress through the generator to be observed. Furthermore, it provides cancellation facilities to abort the generator execution early.
A promise chain is comparable to an asio::strand. It allows promises to be executed in a specific order one at a time.
import { PromiseChain, delay } from "@ink-feather-org/ts-utils"
* Both chains will execute in parallel but their individual queues will execute synchronously.
async function main(): Promise<Number> {
const chain1 = new PromiseChain()
const chain2 = new PromiseChain()
chain1.enqueue(async () => {
console.log('C1 DELAY 1 START')
await delay(2000)
console.log('C1 DELAY 1 DONE')
const last1 = chain1.enqueue(async () => {
console.log('C1 DELAY 2 START')
await delay(2000)
console.log('C1 DELAY 2 DONE')
chain2.enqueue(async () => {
console.log('C2 DELAY 1 START')
await delay(500)
console.log('C2 DELAY 1 DONE')
const last2 = chain2.enqueue(async () => {
console.log('C2 DELAY 2 START')
await delay(1000)
console.log('C2 DELAY 2 DONE')
return 2
await last1
return await last2
Minor typescript helper functions.
- Tests if an object declaration matches a specific typescript type.GeneralAsyncFunction
- A generic type for promise based async functions.PromiseResolveFunction
- Type of promise resolve function.PromiseRejectFunction
- Type of promise reject function.Generated using TypeDoc